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축 - 이강욱 동기 딸 레니 양의 결혼

페이지 정보

이영범 작성일08-04-20 01:33 조회1,951회 댓글3건


이강욱 동기 딸 Rennie양이 4월 19일 오후 4시 New Jersey 주 Englewood에 위치한 First Presbyterian church에서 Michel Rhee군과 결혼 예식을 올립니다.

모두 축하해 주시기 바랍니다.

Reception은 오후 6시 Moonachie, NJ에 위치한 The Graycliff 연회장에서 있읍니다.

Here's the story of how Mike proposed to Rennie... 

The week before the proposal, Mike notified Rennie that he was planning a fun weekend to spend time together and specifically asked Rennie to dress nicely (yes, one must ask that of her by request). On Saturday, the day before the proposal, the pitter-patter of pre-engagement excitation was unimaginably nerve-racking for Rennie. Was this the day? After two exquisite meals, a walk through Central Park, a very romantic (and not cheesy) movie called "Once" (website music is from the soundtrack), and a ride in a horse-drawn carriage, Mike's knees were still pristine. Ok, Rennie thought, false alarm.

After church the next day, Mike treated her to a lavish dinner and as he walked her home, he unexpectedly diverted their path towards the NYU Medical Center. They were suddenly in a classroom (Coles 101 for those who know the place) where they had one of their first significant interactions back when Rennie was a first-year medical student and Mike was a fourth-year. Before Rennie knew it, Mike was on his knees.... not with a ring but with clean water and a basin. He began washing her feet just as Jesus washed the feet of his disciples (John 13:1-15) -- Mike's way of saying that he wanted to serve Rennie for the rest of their life together. By this time, Rennie was giddy with excitement not to mention her feet are kind of ticklish. Mike then brought forth a beautiful emerald ring -- a symbol of their commitment and a emblem of hope and faith -- and proposed (the exact words are still a blur as they were both thrilled). Being a bit facetious, Rennie replied, "Hmmm... let me think about it" and "What took you so long?!" but of course she wholeheartedly accepted.

We thank God over and over again for bringing us together. We're old enough to know this is not happily-ever-after but we look forward to taking part in each other's joys and sorrows and through one another, understanding more and more the beauty of sacrificial love and grace. 

* 웹마스터님에 의해서 게시물 복사되었습니다 (2008-05-15 21:23)


김총무님의 댓글

김총무 작성일

  근데, 축의금은 어케 보내나?

eQ^Q^都님의 댓글

eQ^Q^都 작성일

  4/19~20, 산우회봄나들이행사-욕지도.연화도 댕겨 오느라 늦게 열어 보았네요!
늦게나마 축하드립니다!

이동준님의 댓글

이동준 작성일

  축하드립니다. 큰일 잘 치루었기를....
큰아버지인 본인이 갔어야 했는데 모르고 지나버렸구먼.

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